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"Never Really Alone"

Writer: Solo Faith ChuchSolo Faith Chuch

Solitude provides the space for us to hear our Savior's loving voice.

Psalm 139:7-10; Psalm 23:1-4

Jesus occasionally went off by Himself, leaving even His disciples behind. We might consider this His recharging time—when the Lord regrouped after the intensity of ministry. But Jesus’ purpose was not really to be alone but to find space to meet and be with His Father. For Him (and for us), that’s the real promise of solitude: a quiet that allows us to hear God’s voice.

We live in a world bristling with noise, so finding solitude is essential. However, we shouldn’t assume that we’ll be alone, not if we pursue the kind of solitude Jesus sought. The psalmist writes, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?” (139:7-8). The answer is, nowhere. And this is a good thing. Anywhere he might try to escape from God—high, low, and everywhere in between—God is there. And He’s not only present but also engaged: “Even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will take hold of me” (v. 10).

Plenty of people want time to focus on themselves—in other words, “me time.” But as Christians, we must pursue the kind of solitude that removes distractions and makes space for us to encounter the Lord."



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